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Head 12'' Nylon

Average rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars

Head 12'' Nylon
Single-layered 12 “ nylon head by Contemporânea for repinique, caixa, repique de mão, 12'' timbal etc.A once and for all drum head! 12'' heads is probably the most commonly used size for repiniques and caixas, which is why a 12'' head belongs in every sambista emergency spare part set! Last but not least this head has top sound qualities and can be used on both sides of your caixa or repinique (batter- and resonance head approved). Single-layered nylon heads are the thinner standard version by Contemporânea and are very responsive with a clear, light sound and intentionally rich in overtones due to their vibrating stronger than thicker heads. This head is a standard option for 12'' repiniques and caixas. You will notice that between putting a new head on and playing on it for a while the sound will change positively. A new head might sound a bit whiny in the beginning, but as soon as it gets used to the tension and the rim of the shell, the sound will settle. As usual - good things are worth waiting for. A thin nylon head is suitable for you if you like the clear and light sound and if you want a head with an easy response.Make sure to have a spare single layer 12'' in your gig bag, like this you have a spare for both sides of your instrument and are prepared for all eventualities!
Head 12'' Super Nylon

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

Head 12'' Super Nylon
Fibreglass coated 12'' supernylon superior head for caixa and repinique - ContemporâneaDurable, strong, thick drum head with rich mids; fibreglass coating filters out unwanted overtones. Supernylon heads are made of a foil 32% times thicker than standard heads and have a special fibreglass coating on the underside producing a specific sound characteristic: reduced overtones, amplified mids, powerful sound. Super nylon heads are also particularly durable. Super nylon heads are always meant to be superior heads (batter heads), as they vibrate less due to their thick foil and their coating and they are therefore not suitable as resonance heads.Good to know:Give your head some time to settle! You will notice that there is a lot of strange sounds going on when you put on a new head. At first, a new drum head might sound a bit squeaky, until it gets used to the tension and the rim, it will stretch and eventually settle nicely onto the rim and into the hardware. In short - give it some time! A new head needs a few rehearsals until it sounds really good. A super nylon head is suitable for you if you like rich, strong and overtone-poor sound and you are looking for an especially durable head.
Hide head 10'' Pandeiro Choro flatrim

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Hide head 10'' Pandeiro Choro flatrim
Spare head for Gope pandeiro with flatrim - hide head for flatrim pandeiro
Hide head with spare rim 10'' Pandeiro Choro

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Hide head with spare rim 10'' Pandeiro Choro
Spare 10'' hide head with replacement rim for Choro flatrim pandeiro from Vagner Oliveira.
Head 10'' Nylon brazil Head 10'' Nylon brazil

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Head 10'' Nylon brazil
Spare pandeiro head 10" Black Tin Brasil
Head 13'' Nylon brazil Head 13'' Nylon brazil

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Head 13'' Nylon brazil
Spare pandeiro head 13" Black Tin Brasil 
Head 10'' Nylon Head 10'' Nylon

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Head 10'' Nylon
Spare pandeiro head 10" Black Tin
Head 11'' Nylon Head 11'' Nylon

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Head 11'' Nylon
Spare pandeiro head 11" Black Tin 
Head 12'' Nylon Head 12'' Nylon

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Head 12'' Nylon
Spare pandeiro head 12" Black Tin
Head 13'' Nylon Head 13'' Nylon

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Head 13'' Nylon
Spare pandeiro head 13" Black Tin
Hide head 10'' Pandeiro Choro Hide head 10'' Pandeiro Choro

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Hide head 10'' Pandeiro Choro
Spare part - natural skin / hide 10'' for flatrim pandeiro
Hide head 10''

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Hide head 10''
Hide head 10'' - aluminium rimInformation about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted since the manufacturers moisten the skins before pulling them over the wooden or aluminium rim. So when they dry again, the head twists. When leaving the high humidity in Brazil and arriving to the dry European climate (low humidity and room heating), the heads tend to twist even more. Please notice that this is no damage or irregularity! Before mounting the head please moisten (not soak!) it carefully with a kitchen sponge etc, pull it over the drum shell and then let it dry slowly in the air! Don't force dry a hide hed with a heater, hairdryer or in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear! Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us. Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Hide head 10''

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Hide head 10''
Head 10'' goat skin - aluminium rim, Contemporanea Information about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear. Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us. Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.
Head 10'' hologram brazil

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Head 10'' hologram brazil
Hologram head with Brazil flag, 10''
Head 10'' Nylon

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Head 10'' Nylon
Single-layered 10 “ nylon head by Contemporânea for repiniques, caixas and pandeirosSingle-layered nylon heads are the thinner standard version by Contemporânea and are very responsive with a clear, light sound and intentionally rich in overtones due to their vibrating stronger than thicker heads. This head is a good standard option for 10'' repiniques and caixas, or for Pagode style pandeiros. You will notice that between putting a new head on and playing on it for a while the sound will change positively. A new head might sound a bit whiny in the beginning, but as soon as it gets used to the tension and the rim of the shell, the sound will settle. As usual - good things are worth waiting for. A thin nylon head is suitable for you if you like the clear and light sound and if you want a head with an easy response.For repiniques, you can use this head as superior head to play on as well as a resonance head.
Head 10'' Super Nylon

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Head 10'' Super Nylon
Fibreglass coated 10'' supernylon superior head for caixa, repinique and pandeiro - ContemporâneaDurable, strong, thick drum head with rich mids; fibreglass coating filters out unwanted overtones and reflects a balanced, strong sound. Supernylon heads are made of a foil 32% times thicker than standard heads and have a special fibreglass coating on the underside producing a specific sound characteristic: reduced overtones, amplified mids, powerful sound. Super nylon heads are also particularly durable. Super nylon heads are always meant to be superior heads (batter heads), as they vibrate less due to their thick foil and their coating and they are therefore not suitable as resonance heads.Good to know:Give your head some time to settle! You will notice that there is a lot of strange sounds going on when you put on a new head. At first, a new drum head might sound a bit squeaky, until it gets used to the tension and the rim, it will stretch and eventually settle nicely onto the rim and into the hardware. In short - give it some time! A new head needs a few rehearsals until it sounds really good. A super nylon head is suitable for you if you like rich, strong and overtone-poor sound and you are looking for an especially durable head.
Head 10'' Nylon P2

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Head 10'' Nylon P2
10“ P2 head (P2 - 190 micron: 0,19mm) - IZZO Thin or thick?P2 heads are thinner (P2='grossa'; P3='supergrossa') than P3 heads, which is why they sound lighter, they have more overtones and transmit sound easier because they vibrate stronger than a thick head. The thickness of a head has only little influence in how long it may last. Some percussionists play a thin head just as long as a thicker one.Resonance head or batter head?You can use P2 heads for both. They are suitable for batter- or resonance sides of a caixa or repinique or also for a small timba or a repique de mão.Take some time:The life career of a head begins with the moment you put it on your drum for the first time. Each time you tune it, the head will fit itself more comfortably onto the rim of shell being the base for the head. Also in terms of sound, time has an effect on every head. New heads often sound a bit whiny when freshly fitted onto the drum. But after a short break-in time and regular playing, the sound will quickly improve. A new head also will lift the rim higher. Each time you tune your drum, the head will sit itself lower down on the base and the rim can settle.In short:New head - high rim, whiny sound.After a break-in time - low rim, nice sound.
Head 10'' Nylon P3

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Head 10'' Nylon P3
10“ P3 head (P3 - 250 Micron: 0,25mm) - IZZO   Thick or thin?P3 heads are thicker (P2='grossa'; P3='supergrossa') than P2 heads, which is why they sound more saturated, they have less overtones and transmit an almost matt tone because they vibrate less than a thin head. The thickness of a head has only little influence in how long it may last. A thicker head might last a few gigs longer, but the difference is probably not to be mentioned.   Resonance head or batter head?P3 heads are ideally used as batter heads. You can combine a P3 batter head perfectly with a P2 resonance head.   Take some time:The life career of a head begins with the moment you put it on your drum for the first time. Each time you tune it, the head will fit itself more comfortably onto the rim of shell being the base for the head. Also in terms of sound, time has an effect on every head. New heads often sound a bit whiny when freshly fitted onto the drum. But after a short break-in time and regular playing, the sound will quickly improve. A new head also will lift the rim higher. Each time you tune your drum, the head will sit itself lower down on the base and the rim can settle.In short:New head - high rim, whiny sound.After a break-in time - low rim, nice sound.
Head 10'' Nylon GP3

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Head 10'' Nylon GP3
10“ GP3 Fell for repinque / repique de mão / timbal / pandeiro (P3 - 250 Micron: 0,25mm) - GOPEGP3 heads are thick, single-layered synthetic heads with a saturated sound, medium bass character and very little overtones. They produce a full, strong and almost matt tone due to their thickness and vibration behaviour - thick heads vibrate less than than thin heads. A special feature of the GP3 heads is the distance between the aluminium rim and and the surface of the head which is larger, compared to other brands, meaning that the head will settle well on your instrument shell straight away. Resonance head or batter head?GP3 heads are ideally used as batter heads. For a resonance head, a thinner option will vibrate stronger and in combination with a GP3 batter head produce a nicer sound. Give it some time:The life career of a head begins with the moment you put it on your drum for the first time. Each time you tune it, the head will fit itself more comfortably onto the rim of shell being the base for the head. Also in terms of sound, time has an effect on every head. New heads often sound a bit whiny when freshly fitted onto the drum. But after a short break-in time and regular playing, the sound will quickly improve. A new head also will lift the rim higher. Each time you tune your drum, the head will sit itself lower down on the base and the rim can settle. In short:New head - high rim, whiny sound.After a break-in time - low rim, nice sound.  
Hide head 10'' aluminium rim

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Hide head 10'' aluminium rim
Hide head 10'' spare head for pandeiro / banjo with aluminium ring Information about mounting hide heads:Natural heads tend to twist when they are unmounted due to different air humidity and temperature. When you are ready to put the head on your instrument and see that it is twisted, moisten (not soak!) the head carefully with a kitchen sponge, then put it on a flat surface and push the drum shell in the rim from above. Put your drum loosely back together and wait until the head is dry before putting any tension on it. Let it dry slowly in the air (best overnight), don't use heaters, hairdryers and don't leave it in the sun as it will make the head brittle and prone to tear. Information for hide heads on aluminium rims:Natural heads tend to twist when unmounted, especially with when temperature and humidity changes. This can happen as well with heads on wood rims as with skins in aluminium rims. The aluminium hoops are grouted in a way that leaves a small open joint gap. This is not a defect nor a broken seam, but a tiny tolerance which is there on purpose so that the head can expand or tighten without damaging the hoop or the head when air moisture changes. If you have received a twisted head with an open gap on the aluminium rim, then that is quite normal and with only a few steps the head will easily fit on your instrument shell: Slightly moisten the head, wait a couple of minutes, then fit it on the shell and put your instrument back together loosely. Only put tension on the head once it has dried completely and in a natural way; this will usually take overnight. As soon as there is tension on the head, wrinkles and the twist will disappear and the head will easily adjust to the shape of the instrument shell. If you have any questions about mounting a head, please contact us. Purchasing replacement heads:If you are buying a replacement head for your instrument, we advise that you get a head from the same brand as your instrument as they should fit without any trouble. If you buy a head from a different brand, you might find that the fit slightly differs or even doesn't go on the shell well or at all. Please understand that we cannot offer warranty in this case.

Spare heads for pandeiros in all colours and sizes - it rarely happens that a pandeiro head needs to be replaced. But if it does, it's good to know you have some options. Here you'll find a selection of spare nylon and hide heads for industrially made pandeiros.