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Pandeiro bag 10''x6cm Pandeiro bag 10''x6cm

Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

Pandeiro bag 10''x6cm
Pandeiro bag with plenty of padding for perfect protection of 10'' pandeiros Specifically designed for transport protection, against wheather conditions and for safe storage. The bag is rugged but lightweight and provides fast and convenient protection from the elements and as shock protection. - additional padding in the inside for maximum protection of the jingles!- detachable shoulder strap- sturdy metal hooks, rings and zippersHigh quality, well padded bag, suitable for all brands and 10'' pandeiros sold on our website.
Pandeiro bag 11''x6cm Pandeiro bag 11''x6cm

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Pandeiro bag 11''x6cm
Schutz für Dein Pandeiro - 11'' TascheTransportschutz ist besonders für empfindliche Instrumente wie das Pandeiro ein Muss. Wer sein Pandeiro liebt und lange haben will, schützt es vor Wind, Wetter, Stößen und Luftfeuchtigkeitsschwankungen am besten in einer einfachen Schutztasche. Contemporânea bag mit einfachem Schultergurt und stabiler Polsterung.
Pandeiro bag 12''x6cm

Average rating of 0 out of 5 stars

Pandeiro bag 12''x6cm
Protection for your pandeiro - 12'' pandeiro bagTransport protection is a must, especially for sensitive instruments like the pandeiro. If you love your instrument and want to have it for a long time, it is best to protect it from moody weather, during transport and humidity in general in a simple protective bag. We also recommend using a pandeiro bag for storage as it provides a more constant climate, in particular for hide head pandeiros with wood frame. Sturdy Contemporânea bag with simple shoulder strap and plenty of padding.